Road to ISPO 2014 Of Whirlpools and Champagne powder

The hot tub universe is a dangerous place.. once you get in.. you never want to leave again... never... never.. ever.. ever... Photo by Bunterhund

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Last weekend was that time of the year again. The time we all do our annual pilgrimage to Munich for the ISPO, the biggest outdoor sports fare in the world. This time around I had quite the busy schedule. Thnx to the Olympics, the fair was set up a bit earlier, and even started on a Sunday. Keen to make to most of the weekend, and because of the fucked up weather conditions.. even on Friday noon I still didn’t know how it would play out.

When we arrived visibility was zero and Anna and me where having some technical difficulties with our ABS-es :S

I packed my freeriding stuff and headed out to Schladming to see Michi. Apparently a few of the Blue Tomato staff were eager to go to for a quick one day fix and the weather was looking shitty in Tirol. So I thought.. wtf.. in the worsted case well have some fun at the Tenne with my Schladming friends there chilling. It was late already.. Michi made pizza and we checked the Saturday forecast… it was gonna be cold… but not a lot of base.. and Saturday would be foggy as shit.

Quote the surpirse this Zauchensee day turned out to be !

Anna and Marcus Michi and myself were up for Obertauern .. and so in the morning after checking the foggy webcams.. we set out for … Zauchensee XD. And boy were we in for a treat. Zauch is usually one of my least favorite destinations.. not because of the snow or the terrain. That is awesome… it`s just that with access to the Autobahn everyone from Ljubljana either heads here or Obertauern for a quick fix. So it`s super crowded and stressy… unless when it isn`t.. and that it was that day… And it was also 30 cm of Champagne, in the steep blown in coluars on the side we even went almost neck deep… the last run when I tested Michis new Surface Japan powdergun (courtesy of Blacksheep sports in Munich) rockied quite a nice smile on my face… Jackpot. It was a good day.

And it was just starting. We head out to Munich after some home Burgers with Anna. Time for destination Munich. We were going to visit our friends from Bunterhund produciton for a chill evening before the grand event. Tobi was already heating up the Whirlpool. Yes after Champaigne powder we were up for some Hot-Tub Timemachine space dandy style.

We arrived.. the beers started flowing and we chilled for hours. The butherhund jungs were busy adding the last touches for there ISPO commercial pitches in preparation for the coming fair days..

The hot tub universe is a dangerous place.. once you get in.. you never want to leave again... never... never.. ever.. ever... Photo by Bunterhund
The hot tub universe is a dangerous place.. once you get in.. you never
want to leave again… never… never.. ever.. ever…
Photo by Bunterhund
All the while we were all chilling.. and chilling and chilling in the hot tub… It started snowing.. it was getting white a few centimeters fell  in Munich.. it was nice.. we were still in the hot tub… at the end Andi and I were to far gone into the Hot tub universe it was waaaaaaaay passed midnight when we finally got our lazy asses out of the tub and went to sleep for the next ISPO day.
The party at Build2Ride was   fun
The party at Build2Ride was fun
And then the ISPO day came… again it would be just one day to do it all. Somewhat hungover from overrelaxing all night long… we arrived. As always ISPO was superfun with party and beers everywhere. I was running from meeting to meeting. It all went well. Even got a signature from snowboard legend Jamie Lynn. That will go on my wall today. I`ll go more into the details on the gear I got to check out in the coming posts. So be ready for: Ferrino, Dynastar/Lange, Pieps, Icelantic. Tobi was also presenting one of the ISPO Brand new award winners that some of you have probably heard off.. the shark mitigation wetsuite.
Tobi presented the new camo tech that he has been testing for a while now!
Tobi presented the new camo tech that he has been testing for a while now!

I`ll talk more about this in detail on a special post about the ISPO BRAND NEW AWARD. As usual we meet a ton of friends and had a lot of fun. Since it was only for a day we had to leave just when the parties started getting funky… oh well better luck with that next time I guess.  Still we managed to get a bit of a preparty wibe at the Volcom ramp and the Bulid2Ride booth. When I came back next day right after work I was so done for that I just sleept for 12 hours straght.

Next up I will be taking a look at Icelantic skis for 2014. They look awesome XD

Best way to get around making 20 km on foot every day is on a longboard ! Michi knows this!!!
Best way to get around making 20 km on foot every day is
on a longboard ! Michi knows this!!!

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