And so we finally went to Ostriol. A few of the resorts around the border area like Defreggen, Sillian and Grossglockner have enormous freeride potential and the snow cover was so thick that it was hard to grasp that 50 km away from Lienz there was no snow in the Drava-Valley at all. In the end we went there quite a few times and even when I was still unable to ski I used a day off in perfect conditions and did a little edit. My Slovenian buddies had a lot of fun on that day. Well it was still fun to track then form the top of the mountain. Check it out in the edit 😛
I also took a few really nice shots in the area over the course of the season:

Obertauern – Kite, Paraksiing and Park
Another nice adventure happened while chilling for a weekend with my buddy Michi from BT in Schladming. Tobi from Bunterhund productions called us up and said we should show up at Obertauern. Tobi was doing a shoot for Porsche`s next year campaign for a car *rest is NDAstuff*. We also had free tickets to do some PR stuff for Obertauern so after that Porsche thing in the morning we were free to have some fun. And so we did. The weather was awesome and we did a few lines doing speedriding freesking combo pics.

Super motivated Tobi also had a few Kites in the Car so we had our first tries on handling a kite. I have to be honest, being a windsurfer/wavesurfer and never having tired riding with a kite before… I was somewhat skeptical. I remembered a bit from our first lesson with Tobi at Rogla but it was fun and we even used the killer drone for aerial shots in wind :P.

On day two we concentrated our efforts on the park to get a few good areal shots and sequences for OT to use for PR and they did. 🙂 If you haven’t liked there Facebook page yet do it now 😉

Another unexpeced Flachauwinkl/Zauchensee
This season I unexpectedly spent quite a few days at Zauchensee. I do like the terrain there… but I don`t like the stress. Half of Slovenia is there and the other half is on Mölltal when the conditions are crap at home. Yet somehow it was not like that this year. Like the ISPO zauch day this one was again surprising. I actually had left Maribor, where it was 20 degrees and everything was blossoming…to arrive at Schladming to pick up Michi in heavy snowfall. As we pressed on I had to maneuver around a minefield of stranded German cars and a package delivery vehicle going backwards… to make it to the parking 😛 Its good that I bought those expensive winter tires hhh 😛
Another thing that day and the next one was the snow. Sure it was nice and powdery… super light.. and super unstable… This day was probably the most unstable one I had all season. As you were gliding half of the closer snow mass was gliding with you… supersketcy… on that day also a 60 year old German freerider died in an avalanche… and that had a few problems for us in store for the next day… more on that in the next post.